“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning…They have to play with what they know to be true in order to find out more, and then they can use what they learn in new forms of play.” ~ Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Miss Me?

It's been awhile~But I'm back!  Things have been crazy over here.  We had another baby making that 4 littles for us.  Finally feel like we are getting into a routine again!  So...Let's Play!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Uses for OnGuard Essential Oil

Mix with a tbsp of water, gargle for 1 minute then swallow at the on-set of a sore throat.

Put on the soles children’s feet at night during cold & flu season to support immune system.

Put several drops on a bowl of hot – hot water and Breathe in the vapors as it begins to volatilize when you have lung congestion.

Put 50 drops in a spray bottle with 30 oz of distilled water. Shake often and use to sanitize kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

Add to your dishwasher for micro clean dishes.

Add to your laundry cycle for micro clean clothes.

Add to your mop water for cleaner floors.

Apply to bee and insect stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.

Gargle and brush daily for healthy teeth and gum’s and to prevent and treat gum disease.

Apply to gum’s and teeth, or swish with 5 drops of On Guard & 1 tbsp of water for pain relief from toothaches and after dental work.

Diffuse in homes or business to kill air borne pathogens, inhibit mold and build immune systems.

Put a few drops on air filters when changing them to kill pathogens in the duct work.

Put a drop in your mouth and push or squeeze it around to relive smoking urges. (enhance with an extra drop or two of clove.)

For warts, apply topically, rotating between oregano & frankincense.

Apply a drop on a pets sore or wound to enhance healing.

Make an antibiotic blend using On Guard (12 drops) Oregano (6 drops) Frankincense (2 drops) in a 00 gel cap.

Add 15 drops to every cup of corn starch, mix and sprinkle on carpet. Rake, leave for 1 hour then Vacuum for micro clean carpet.

Gargle with 1 tbps of water and 1 drop each of lemon and on guard hourly for laryngitis.

Put several drops on the HVAC vents of a hotel room or office to kill airborne pathogens and germs.

Mix with baking soda to clean bathtubs.
Apply neat to the toes and nails to combat fungus.

Combine 2 tbps of water with 5 drops of on guard in a small glass and store your toothbrush overnight to sanitize.
Use a 50/50 mix of on guard and purified water and spray onto oven interior. Leave for 15 minutes, then wipe away greasy spots.

Apply to hands to remove stubborn, sticky substances like tree sap.

Add to the water in your vacuum cleaner/steamer to disinfect the carpet.

Put a few drops in your vacuum bag to kill pathogens.

Put 15 drops in a 6oz spray bottle, shake and spray rooms, desks, or bed sheets to protect against pathogens.

Clean the upholstery and dashboard of your car.

Gargle with on guard and 1 tbsp of water prior speaking engagements or singing performances.

Rub on stains as a pre-wash stain remover.

Apply to teeth that have been damaged or broken to help them heal.

Make an on guard spray with 15 drops for every 6 oz of water – use the spray for…
Wipe doorknobs and other things touched by the public.

Wipe dirty piano keys to clean and disinfect.
 Use to clean childrens hands when traveling.

Use on the steering wheel and gearshift of your vehicle.

Use on public telephones to remove germs.

Use on public computer keyboards and mice.

Use as an underarm deodorant.

Spray on hands before and after shaking hands with a lot of people.

Spray in public restrooms on airplanes to reduce airborne bacteria.

Carry for protection in countries with cholera, malaria or dysentery.

Use as an air freshener for cooking odors or other unwanted smells.

Take to the gym and spray all the equipment you use.

Take to the supermarket and use to disinfect shopping cart handles.

Use in the classroom for desks, tables and other items handled by children.

Spray in your mouth and throat at first onset of cold or bronchitis.

Spray on shower stalls and bathroom walls to disinfect and remove mold.

For more information visit~ mydoterra.com/thatcrazyoilthing

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Knuckle Pumpkins

I LOVE Fall!  It is my absolute favorite time of the year~Love it all pumpkins, cooler weather, football, holidays~Love it!  I want to do Fall activities All.  Day.  Long!

Today we made a Knuckle Pumpkin~I found the idea from The Happy Fairy.  It's a fun and easy way to make pumpkins.

So simple, all you do is make a fist and paint your knuckles (not your thumb) and then press it on the paper~You have to rock your hand back and fourth to get all your knuckles.  We made a kid pumpkin patch.  I wasn't sure how to finish it up~you could make the ground look like dirt or just leave the pumpkins~I just couldn't commit to anything.

 Samantha and Aiden had fun with this activity.  They were able to paint their own knuckles and all I had to do was help them put it on the paper.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Who Lives in Your House

When I taught preschool this was one of my favorite activities to do with the kids.  It is a great way to see how they see their families.  I was so curious to see how my kids saw our family.

I cut a house out of construction paper~you could even draw a house on a piece of paper.  There should just be something that looks like a house so that it is concrete for them.  Then I asked both of them to draw our family~The people that live in our house.

Here is Aiden's House~He said a Hippo lives in his house.  I didn't dare ask who the Hippo was in fear of his answer :)

Samantha's house is hilarious!  I think that it perfectly depicts our family.  We are always together~We are always right next to each other~I feel like we are all on top of each other and it looks like she feels the same way.

Try this with your kids~It's fun to see how they see things! 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies

Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies

This is my family's favorite cookie recipe!  It's a twist to the classic chocolate chip cookie~by adding the pudding it makes the cookies a little sweeter and softer.  Try it~you won't be disappointed 

Go here to see the recipe

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Today I challenge you (and me) to just play with your child~Just be there with them~no phones, computers, TV, no distractions~Just be there and play.

I'm sure you both will have the best time ever.